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Plant-based food

There is new taste in my mouth, and every bite is greater than expectations I hope for. 

Visit water course foods & believe in health that is the Next best thing in a college student's life. 


New Experience for a new life! 

In this new age in life of farming and agricultural growth with different countries, I have recently given plant-based meals a 10 out of 10 rating. This has purpose for change around the world can benefit the environmental crisis we are experiencing today. This trip to watercourse foods has given me so much more history of the plant-based foods that we can create. There are many plants in this world that are yet to be discovered because we have not known about these certain spices or flavors, so what have we experience in taste buds. There can be far more then feeding our appetites with our eyes, if we knew the most unknown known features of plant-based foods. The main feature is that it is an uprising in everyone's lives, to help health issues and crisis that we are having around the world with food shortages. 

Brian J. McCarty MSU Plant-based 
food supporter. 


I really love my Cuban sandwich this has opened my eyes about the taste and texture of food, knowing the plant-based food isn't meat when ordering something like Hot wings, or a burger this gives me more excitement when choosing what to order. 

I've learned a new experience with eating foods but as well I learned why the business is uprising, a lot of people are establishing new waves in life & with covid cooking became a big factor since the fact so many people wanting to try new things to cook for the personal health. I also learned that many of these plat-based foods are using local business for growth by using local farming and grocery stores. This gives many benefits to businesses that are opening and wanting to own a food business or market. 

I feel like as college students we engage in more of the happening as it goes on, we create a life for the generations to come, Environmental crisis is here, and people are struggling with farming an holding on to food sources. We are also going to engage in a major climate change which is going to have crisis with growing food and as well feeding animals to stay healthy to produce the right quality of food, like milk from cows, and eggs from chickens. At this point in life college students are graduating younger and are producing more jobs for people in the fields that we study. 

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